Mission GSP
Green School Programme makes the school community examine the air it breathes, minutely and scientifically. It also helps it assess the impact its commuting practices and other systems have on the atmosphere. The main objective is to assist schools evolve and adopt the least polluting way of life.
What is Green Schools Programme (GSP)?
The field of environment education is dogged by a very fundamental contradiction. While everyone, everywhere, asserts the importance of ‘learning to live sustainably’, environment remains a peripheral issue in the formal schooling system. It continues to be viewed more as an extracurricular activity and less as a subject with a priority position in the national curriculum. This is true not only in India but worldwide as well.Fortunately, it has not deterred many talented, creative and farsighted educators from experimenting and evolving extremely innovative teaching methods, materials and practices.
The novelty of CSE’s Green Schools Programme lies in the fact that it moves beyond theories and textbooks and concentrates solely on ‘doing’. It is an environmental education programme directed to subtly sensitizing students to the environment through hands-on and thoughtprovoking activities. It is also an environment management system that audits, through students, the consumption of natural resources within school campuses and helps schools become good environmental managers by deploying pragmatic solutions to reduce wastage of precious resources.